Join me in the suburbs for CRAFTIVISM 101!
This class is IN PERSON at String Theory in Glen Ellyn, IL
Date: Sunday afternoon March 17
Time: 2:00-4:00 pm Central Time
Instructor: Shannon Downey
Cost: $60
Description: Get acquainted with craftivism, learn to embroider, stitch something brilliant, and make friends - all in just 2 hours!
Craft-based activism has been used as a tool of resistance, coalition building, and even espionage! Learn from Shannon Downey - a leader in the modern craftivism movement. She will provide an introduction to the history of craftivism and ways you can get involved in the modern movement. Shannon will then teach you how to embroider and have you stabbing it out in no time. She guarantees you walk away feeling better than when you arrived.
Materials: Kits are included in the cost of the class.