How to be a Good Human - a radical skill-share series
I do a lot of listening and then try to create ways to support my people. I’ve been hearing folks express a desire to want to do more in service to a just world, but feel unsure where to start. To that end, I am partnering with amazing organizations and experts to offer a radical skill-share series for everyone who wants to develop hard skill sets to support them in taking action as a valuable community member.
I’m adding to the lineup regularly so stay tuned (or better yet, sign up for my newsletter so you know when new trainings are opening). And yes, there are badges!
These trainings are free or pay what you can, HOWEVER, I remind you to not allow the capitalist mindset kick-in. These are VALUABLE and IMPORTANT. Many people are putting a lot of time into offering these for you. In fact, they are SO valuable and important, we won’t allow money to get in the way of access. Therefore, if you reserve a spot, I expect you to show up. If you can’t make it for some reason after you register, I expect you to release your spot so someone else can attend. Cool? Cool.
Have ideas for trainings? Want to talk about collaborating? Hit me up:
Head to the event calendar to see what’s coming up.
Abortion Doula Training with Colorado Doula Project

Bystander Intervention Training with Asian Americans Advancing Justice | Chicago

Activism 101 for Introverts + Highly Sensitive People with Omkari Williams

How to Prepare for a Disaster with Morgan Davis

How To Prevent A Drug Overdose with The National Harm Reduction Coalition

Talking to Children About Drugs with The National Harm Reduction Coalition

Harm Reduction on College Campuses with The National Harm Reduction Coalition

The In's and Out's of Therapy with Laura Grimes

Beyond DEI: How Forming a Union Can Transform Your Workplace with Mansi Kathuria + Emma LaBounty

Advocating for Yourself with Medical Professionals with Laura Grimes

Appropriation or Appreciation? Navigating Cultural Minefields in the World of Craft

How to Support Survivors of Abuse with Rebecca Donley