Well hello there!
Look at you coming to my website. That makes me happy. Thank you.
Shannon here.
Allow me to introduce myself. The short story is that I am an artist, activist, craftivist, community builder, and general instigator. I blend my politics, activism, and art into projects and work that are designed to inspire others to take action, think, discuss, engage with democracy and their community, and find some digital/analog balance.
I move people from passive consumers of art into engaged creators. I leverage craft-based art forms to bring people together and offers them opportunities to transition from makers to change makers. My work is about telling the truth and confronting harsh realities while simultaneously inspiring radical hope and a vision for what is possible.
I create art to inspire other people to create art.
I am queer, anti-racist, feminist, anti-capitalist, highly political, and committed to growth, learning, honesty, and doing whatever I can to make this an equitable world. My art generally tackles “the big three” systems of oppression: white supremacy, patriarchy, and capitalism. I’ve lived a million lives so far and all of them have brought me to right now - doing EXACTLY what I’m supposed to be doing in this world. I live for community, equity, art, and adventure.
My work is meant to disrupt. I disrupt via the medium, the application of the medium, the projects that I build, and by living and making outside of the rules.
I also LOVE embroidery.
It is an amazing tool for:
creating digital/analog balance in your life
providing the opportunity to express yourself
slowing down
creating space to think substantively about real issues
using your hands much in the same way you use your devices, thereby bypassing the tactile need that our digital addictions demand
stabbing shit over and over
Plus, it’s easy to learn, fun to do in community, the material cost is minimal, and most importantly…
It is joyful to use a medium that has historically been used as a tool of subjugation as a tool of subversion.
The most important thing you should know about me is that coming up with and executing on big ideas is my jam. I am ready at a moment’s notice to get to work if I am inspired by the potential of an idea.
I also know a lot of amazing humans. You can meet some of them here.
>>>> Enough about me. Let’s talk about YOU. <<<<
This website largely exists as a resource for you. It is my hope that you will not be able to resist engaging in some art activism after visiting. Please explore the site and see all there is to see but be sure not to miss these highlights.
Most importantly, I wrote a book for you! You can buy it now anywhere books are sold.
On the Patterns + Tutorials page:
60 tutorials for you, from how to get started to learning 55 different stitches!
An entire page of free patterns for you to download + use
Some next level low-cost patterns you can buy
A steady flow of workshops you can sign up for + pay what you can
A step-by-step tutorial on wheat pasting and dozens of posters for you to download and use (in 5 different languages) so you can join our feminist street art takeover
On the Community Projects page:
Community and craftivism projects that you can participate in
Info and the application for my annual Craftivism Grant!
Some free Zoom backgrounds to spice up your next work week
A zine about Craftivism I made for you to download and share
On the How to Be A Good Human page:
A series of free or pay-what-you-can training by experts to support us in developing skills to be a better human.
On the Buy Art page:
Some rad statement stickers and stuff you can buy to decorate the world with
The contact page includes all the ways you can connect with me so we can start planning some stuff together. Seriously - let’s plan some community art activism magic.
Also! I have a patreon community and moving into 2025 it is the home of The Joyful Menace Society! All levels of support get access to everything. Support in the ways you can. Join in at any point in the year.
Again, thank you for being here. I am grateful for you and excited for what you will do with the tools that are here!
Make Art. Smash Systems.