I will presenting this workshop via Zoom for the Canton Public Library (EASTERN TIME).
Register Here.
Get acquainted with craftivism, learn to embroider, stitch something brilliant, and make friends—all in just 2 hours!
Craft-based activism has been used as a tool of resistance, coalition building, and even espionage! Learn from Shannon Downey—a leader in the modern craftivism movement. She will provide an introduction to the history of craftivism and ways you can get involved in the modern movement. Shannon will then teach you how to embroider and have you stabbing it out in no time. She guarantees you walk away feeling better than when you arrived.
You will need to have your own materials for the instructional part of the workshop so here’s what you will need:
an embroidery hoop (5-7″ is usually best but any size will do)
a piece of light colored cotton fabric (got a tea towel or old sheets around? Use those)
a tapestry, chenille, or embroidery needle
pair of scissors
embroidery floss (whatever colors you like)
a water erasable marking pen, transfer pen, or friction pen
OR if you, like many, purchased an embroidery kit in 2020 and haven’t gotten around to it yet…that will be perfect.
If you have any questions about the supply list, email Sarah at smccusker@townofcantonct.org.
Registration required. Zoom link will be emailed to you the day before the program.