Free Patterns + Pay For Patterns
Below are a whole bunch of free patterns for you to download and stitch.
I used to have an Etsy store with more that you could purchase but Etsy made some bad decisions and has chosen to exploit their makers and artists and I no longer work with them. You can now purchase directly from me here.™ © 2015, All Rights Reserved Worldwide
What does that mean?
It means that I created this art for you to use to make your own art. If you share your art with the world all you have to do is credit my art, too. If you post it on Instagram, for example, you would say something like: Pattern by: @BadassCrossStitch – it’s like citing your sources. And you know I’m going to double tap that and share the love! (win/win)
It also means that you can’t sell the work without my permission. Here’s the deal: if you are an independent artist or crafter and you want to stitch a piece or two to sell at a craft fair or on Etsy – you have my permission so long as you clearly state the pattern is mine. I extra approve if you give a portion of your profits to a nonprofit doing great work.
No one has my permission to use my work on a large scale (making more than 3 pieces to sell, or any advertising, or commercial applications – you know billboards, t-shirts, jeans, mugs, and shit like that) without my written permission. Businesses, brands, ad agencies, and the like (should know better) and should definitely not be biting my work. That said, I’m totally down to talk about all sorts of applications but it will require a contract, licensing agreement, and dollar bills y’all.
Cool? Cool. Thank you for supporting and respecting the work of artists! You are badass.
If you enjoy the free patterns and would like to reward me with a few dollars, I will happily and gratefully accept a donation.
Full Mood
Fuck You Make Me - Morse Code
Fuck You Make Me
Happy Valentine's Day
Estoy Contigo
Fascists Hate Fun
Inauguration Day 2025
Robert Frost Pun
We Save Us
Not A Baby
Stab It
Sink The Rich
Lavender Menace
Do Something Kind
Gentle Holidays
Happy Pride
Abortion Justice
Say Gay
Americans for the Arts - Arts Create Hope
#EndGunViolence Cross Stitch
I Pledge Allegiance
Mr Rogers
Bob Ross Birthday Pattern
Bob Ross Cross Stitch
Misbehaviour - The Movie
I Pledge Allegiance
Field of Fucks
Elie Wiesel Quote
Stab It Out
People in therapy
Pandemic Reminders
Now and Forever
In This House
Never Forget It
Erase INjustice - Social Justice Sewing Academy
By: StephXStitch
Boys will be Boys - curse free
Boys will be Boys
The Witcher - Meme
Just Don't
New Irish Blessing
I Love Love, Like, Lust You
This is not normal
Spoiler Alert
Good or Bad?
Backstitch Alphabet
Deal with your shit
Cross-Stitch Alphabet
She Persisted
What other people think about me