All I’m saying is…people who are making seem to be doing less breaking. With that in mind, I figured I should find a way to support folks in developing a practice of making - for all of our sakes.

I present the #MakeDontBreak January challenge.


What is it?

I am inviting you to a daily, month-long, making experiment beginning on January 1, 2021. You choose your medium. Maybe you choose lots of mediums, that is irrelevant. The important part is that you commit to spending time reflecting and making every day for the month of January.

I have lined up a few dozen of the greatest minds I know to help us. Daily, you will get to meet one of these people (artists, activists, writer, singers, healers, thinkers) and they will provide you with a reflection prompt. You can use that as the inspiration for your thinking/making time – or not! There are no rules. These are meant as support mechanisms for folks who need some direction.

  • You can share your masterpieces and connect with other folks participating via the hashtag #MakeDontBreak (or not).

  • You can build a little cohort of friends and family and have weekly check-ins and conversations about your art practice (or not).

This experience can be whatever you want it to be.

The important part is that you just give it a try.

But WHY Shannon? Why are we doing this?

 So many reasons!

Some might speak to you, others might not, but these are some of the reasons I think we need this:


  1. I have taught THOUSANDS of people how to embroider this year and y’all keep asking me what’s next. This. This is what is next.

  2. 2020 was the fucking worst. I hear lots of people saying, “I can’t wait for 2021” as though some magical thing is going to happen and on January 1st the universe is going to right itself. Not going to happen. BUT we can develop a new habit and a new practice while things slowly start to change. This will build up our resilience and keep that hope burning. PLUS, with the lineup of folks I have providing you prompts, you are definitely going to come away with some actions you are going to take to help speed up this change.

  3. This is better than a New Year’s Resolution. And if I hear one person say anything about “losing that pandemic bod for the New Year” I will legitimately LOSE MY SHIT. Developing a reflection and art practice is a MUCH better way to enter 2021 than judging ourselves and making resolutions in the middle of this shit show we are living in.

  4. Persistence. How depressed are we going to be on January 9th for example when things are probably worse than they were on say December 31st? We need to be prepared for that and the best way is work on our persistence. We will do a little bit every day to take care of our mental health and this is going to help us.

  5. Making is fun. Reflecting is invaluable. Put the two together and you have personal growth AND a super fun experience.

  6. If none of those spoke to you, figure out your why and let’s do this.


MOST IMPORTANT: Don’t make up rules that don’t exist. There are no rules. I hate rules.

Maybe you spend 5 minutes one day and 2 hours another day. Doesn’t matter.

Maybe you stitch, paint, write, draw, collage, metalwork, blow glass, dance … whatever moves you to create that day is the perfect medium for you for that day.

Don’t overthink this. If you miss a day just shake it off and pick it back up.

Just make! It doesn’t have to be “good” or “pretty” and it will definitely not be “perfect” because…no such thing. Embrace the exercise. Explore with no expectations. Free yourself of limiting beliefs and JUST MAKE. Damn it, you deserve this.


Now, throw your hands up, spin around once, and say


Yay you!

Here are your action items:

  1. Sign up for the daily January emails in the box below. Don’t forget to confirm your subscription! I’ll also be posting them on Instagram and Twitter every day.

If you registered and didn’t get the emails try registering again on the actual Substack page:

2. Get some supplies ready and think about your WHY. Why are you doing this? What do YOU want to get out of it.

3. Get excited!!!! Tell all of your friends.

4. Start following #MakeDontBreak

5. Expect an email from me on Dec 31st.

6. All of the emails are posted on the Substack page so you have access to them at all times

ZOMG we are going to have funnnnnn!!!!!


Rita's Quilt


Protest Signs