A Global Craftivism Project
centering the stories of as many folks of marginalized genders as possible
part community-organizing project, part public art project, part digital art project

The Project
I’m asking you to create a 12 inch x 12 inch piece of art on a textile (add a one inch margin) that tells the world your story.
You can embroider it, sew it, quilt it, felt it, weave it, knit it, paint it, play with mixed media; whatever you want so long as it’s on fabric of some sort.
Most of us are never taught that we are the heroes of their own story. We are, at best, supporting characters. There is great value in exploring, centering, and sharing your story. There is great value in making art about yourself. Let’s go on this journey together.
*My favorite women-owned, ethically-sourced, online shop has put together a little kit of materials should you like. Here’s a link to the bundle!
The Community
Exploring your story can be an intimidating endeavor. Good thing we have great friends and community members who can support us through it. As I started to host stitch-ups (a word I made up for when we gather + stitch together), I started to see the great value in being in community with others to work on our stories.
Since I can’t be everywhere, I created a Toolkit and an ambassador program so that you can bring people together to work on the project.
Register to be an Ambassador
Download the Toolkit and make sure it feels right for you. Then register by completing this form. You can start hosting stitch-ups as soon as you like.
Once you have completed your story, you send it to me. In the short term, the pieces are regularly on display at various art shows and galleries. As we amass many thousands, we will be creating an epic piece of public art with them, as well as a digital museum.
How to Submit:
Photograph your piece
Mail your art, along with your name, email, and any social media handles to me.
Since I am on the road with no real address, please email me when you are ready to ship your piece and I’ll send you an address where I can receive it. BadassHerstory@gmail.com
The Exhibit
The exhibit will be on display again in June in Massachusetts (details coming). Get your submission to me before May 15th and it will be included in this gallery show!
The exhibit has been displayed at:
Beverly Art Walk, Chicago, IL
Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, IL
National Liberty Museum, Philadelphia, PA
Waterfall Arts Center, Belfast, ME
The PEG Center for Art and Activism, Newburyport, MA
Stitch Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
Once you submit your piece, it will become a part of the exhibit and be displayed in all future exhibitions.
If you are in a position of power and would like to bring the exhibit to your space please reach out.
The Rules
The only rules for your submission is that the piece be created on a 12 inch x 12 inch piece of fabric (add a one inch blank margin to that). The border is so that we can stitch all of the stories together without impacting your art.
That's the only rule. Don't invent rules that don't exist! Don't limit yourself. You can use words, images, a combination. You can stitch it, sew it, quilt it, embroider it, felt it, paint it, beadwork it, knit it, crochet it, play with mixed media...endless options!
Tell your story. Literal, figurative, symbolic, abstract...whatever feels right to you.
If you need a deadline to motivate you, your deadline is two months from right now. ;)
Some Submissions to Inspire You…

Need Help Developing Your Story?
The most challenging and exciting part of this whole process is going to be the work that you do to determine what your story is.
I have intentionally avoided any sort of theme for the stories because quite simply, our lives are not organized by theme. I didn’t want to drive or force a narrative. I want you to determine what your narrative is.
First thing’s first, you have to make me a promise. Promise me that you won’t overthink this to the point of inaction.
Say it with me:
I will not overthink this. I will start and make progress and choices and I will create. I will participate in this journey and follow it where it leads. I will allow myself time for self reflection and discovery. If I get stuck, I will pivot and carry on. My story matters. I am a valuable contributor to Badass HERstory.
Now I think I’ve made it clear that I have your back so I’m not just going to leave my analytical thinkers without some direction.
Below you will find some activities that I have come up with that should help you get started thinking about how to tell your story. Use what you like. If you come up with different activities or find resources that help you, please share!
Additionally, I’ll be hosting a series of stitch-ups that are dedicated to helping you get started in centering and exploring your narrative + translating it into art. You can register for those on the events page!
Write your life story in 3 sentences.
2. _______________________________
3. _______________________________
Answer the following to identify key moments and turning points in your life.
The proudest day of my life was when:
The moment everything changed was when:
I couldn’t believe it when:
Reflection Questions. Write or draw your answers to the questions that speak to you.
What do you know for sure?
What inspires you?
What scares you?
What is your first (or best) memory?
What is your favorite place to travel to?
What don't people know about you?
What do you think about when you are alone?
What makes you laugh?
What do you believe?
What expression or saying do you love? (or which one do you hate?)
Who do you admire?
What's the most outrageous thing you have ever done (that you can share)?
If we came over for dinner what would you prepare for us?
A little known fact about yourself?
Who is your favorite character? (tv, literary, whatever)
What do you suck at?
What is your hidden talent?
What do you geek out about?
Favorite quote?
Favorite word?
Who helped get you here?
What is the world missing?
How long do you think you would you survive the zombie apocalypse? Why?
What gets you through a rough day?
What’s your craziest idea?
What new thing have you learned lately?
What’s the best advice you have ever given?
What’s the smartest thing you have ever said?
Where do you go for inspiration?
Tell us about your creative process?
Pet peeves?
Tell us about a time you surprised yourself
What made you cry this year?
What are you most grateful for?
How do you take care of yourself?
Tell us about an epic "first"
What do you wish you had more time for?
When do you feel most at peace?
What do you do when you feel stuck?
What do you hope will be different by this time next year?
As you look back over your life what threads do you recognize?
What moments in your life touched your deepest feelings?
Head to https://www.pinterest.com/badassherstory/ for some visual inspiration.
I just want to be super duper clear - these pieces are meant to inspire your creativity. Some folks need visuals. Your story is unique and personal and your art should be unique and personal. Copying is not, in fact, the sincerest form of flattery when it comes to art...it's just copyright infringement. ; )
Use a story map! I used to love these in middle school. Treat your life like a novel. Who are the characters? What is the plot?
Conduct interviews with the people you love. Ask them questions about you!
What do you think I’m good at?
What do you love about me?
What makes me laugh?
What do you secretly wish I was better at?
Tell me your favorite memory of me/us
Tell me my story in 1 minute or less
What songs remind you of me?
Come up with your own!
One more time for good measure, say it with me!
I will not overthink this. I will start and make progress and choices and I will create. I will participate in this journey and follow it where it leads. I will allow myself time for self reflection and discovery. If I get stuck, I will pivot and carry on. My story matters. I am a valuable contributor to Badass HERstory.

Theory of Change.
Anyone who has ever been in a meeting with me or in one of my classes knows that I always start with WHY.
I firmly believe that before you do anything you need to set your intention for it and determine WHY you are doing it.
So...here's a short version of the WHY of this project.
Badass Herstory will create positive global impact by:
Expanding the portfolio of global art.
Engaging the global citizenship in the experience and participation of creating art.
Educating global citizens of all ages in the skillsets of embroidery and fiber art.
Strengthening the global community through participation in this craftivism project.
The outcome areas I anticipate this project affecting include:
Changes in attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs
Increased desire among a global community to participate in movements by providing them a gateway into activism
Increased belief in the power of women working together
Changes in awareness
Increased awareness of the global challenges of the female and gender non-binary lived experience
Changes in skills
One million people learn to embroidery and/or evolve their embroidery and fiber art skills through video tutorials and global community workshops facilitated by project brand ambassadors
Changes in behavior
Community members believe and advocate for each other
Participants consider and adopt a stronger sense of digital/analog balance in their lives
Changes in social conditions
Increased community cohesion
Changes in visibility of an issue
Global media accurately covers the message of the campaign
Media increases frequency of coverage of issues of inequality, abuse, misogyny, and sexism
Public and community raise these issues to a higher priority
Changes in community norms
Community decreases tolerance for the systems of patriarchy, white supremacy, and capitalism
Community increases belief in its own power to create change
Community increases acceptance of a diverse range of community members
Changes in public will
Global community is motivated to take action on issues that affect women and gender non-binary humans
Community members increase their sense of community
Community members increase their willingness to demonstrate around issues affecting women and gender non-binary humans
Global community develops a habit and muscle memory around taking action
Each element of this project is meant to influence micro behaviors on a global scale to catalyze changes in attitudes, perceptions, visibility, skill sets, community norms, civic engagement, and public will. The scope of this project is meant to be so massive that it cannot be dismissed, ignored, or erased.