Double Twill Stitch
I am having some funnnnn with this stitch. It’s such a sexy filler stitch and it reminds me of a nice weave but as I stitched it on AIDA I was frustrated by the gaps because I didn’t have a floss that was bulky enough to create the look I wanted. SO, I got CrAzY with it and started stitching with two pieces of floss (all 6 strings in each). I even used different colors …I know I know. But it worked! It was bulky enough to fill in the blanks and it looked super rad with two different colors. I call it cotton candy.
Here’s how that went down. On the right image: the top one is a cotton floss which is clearly not bulky enough for the desired look of this stitch. The left one is a 6 strand silk floss, still not right. The right one is a combo of two cotton candy colored 6 strand flosses and I love the result. If you have a bulkier floss try it out and show me how it looks! I want to see how you all make this stitch work please.

Again, I used two pieces of 6 strand floss for this one

4 down

Now start working back up. This time you cover just 2 holes.